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The Playbook


The foundation of any company is it’s purpose. When people don’t know where their going, you can’t expect them to get there, especially not all together. The playbook was a workshop that I ran with Agree in order to draw out the unique pieces that made up it’s culture. We spent several days with all 12 employees discussing the brand, culture, values, and behaviors of what makes us who we are. I facilitated these meetings, and then pulled out insights and analyzed them in order to design the playbook. 


I mapped out the framework for the playbook then lead meetings to get insight from all members of the team. I recorded, analyzed, and reshaped the content to create the playbook.


I had the playbook printed and wrapped in a branded leather cover. We passed them out to everyone at a company retreat, and have given them to new employees when they join. We reference the playbook daily as a reminder to ourselves and each other about who we are and why we’re here.